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Clik here to view.NASA1 of 11We're celebrating America's Apollo 11 mission, during which the first man walked on the moon -- it happened 44 years ago on July 20, 1969. In this image, Apollo 11 commander Neil Armstrong gives a thumbs-up signal as the three Apollo astronauts walk to the transfer van en route to the Saturn Five rocket ready to blast off for the moon, Cape Kennedy, Fla. -
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Clik here to view.AP2 of 11Astronaut Michael Collins, inside the command module Columbia. -
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Clik here to view.NASA3 of 11This view from the Apollo 11 spacecraft shows the Earth rising above the moon's horizon, July, 1969. -
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Clik here to view.NASA4 of 11This July 20, 1969, photo shows Apollo 11 astronaut Neil Armstrong on the lunar surface. -
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Clik here to view.Getty Images5 of 11An equipment-laden astronaut pictured from behind during the Apollo 11 moon landing. -
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Clik here to view.AP6 of 11Apollo 11 lunar moon walk.
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Clik here to view.AP7 of 11An Apollo 11 astronaut taking a picture of the lunar module on the moon. -
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Clik here to view.SSPL/Getty Images8 of 11Astronaut Edwin E. "Buzz" Aldrin Jr., is shown deploying the Passive Seismic Experiments Package (PSEP) on the lunar surface -
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Clik here to view.Education Images/UIG via Getty Images9 of 11Astronaut Edwin E."Buzz" Aldrin Jr., lunar module pilot, is photographed during the Apollo 11 extravehicular activity on the moon. He has just deployed the Early Apollo Scientific Experiments Package (EASEP). -
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Clik here to view.AP10 of 11Apollo 11 astronaut Aldrin setting up the Solar Wind Collector on the moon. -
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Clik here to view.NASA/Newsmakers11 of 11Next: Amazing Photos of the International Space StationA close-up view of an astronaut's foot and foot print in the lunar soil is photographed with a lunar surface camera July, 1969, during Apollo 11 lunar surface extravehicular activity.