AP Photo/Mike Fuentes1 of 10Johnny Ortiz (left) and James South (right) carry Miguel Morales, who was injured in a tornado, to an ambulance in Granbury, Texas, on Wednesday, May 15. Officials report the tornado caused multiple fatalities as it tore through two neighborhoods of a North Texas town.
Interior/Twitter2 of 10
The US Department of Interior tweeted this photo of Glacier Point and Half Dome in Yosemite National Park on May 15, and wrote, "Some sights are too beautiful for words. Like the view from Glacier Point overlooking Half Dome @YosemiteNPS pic.twitter.com/DeFSp6jazi"
AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky3 of 10Oleksiy Pinko, a circus artist, dances with a lion during presentation of the new program in Ukraine's National Circus in Kiev, Ukraine, Wednesday, May 15.
© George Kourounis, georgekourounis/Twitter4 of 10
Storm chaser George Kourounis tweeted this photo of lightning near Crowell, Texas, on May 14. He wrote, "Intense lightning storm near Crowell, Texas. pic.twitter.com/3lUKptmnqc"
AP Photo/Anja Niedringhaus5 of 10An Afghan National Police officer mans a checkpoint on the outskirts of Maidan Shahr, Wardak province, Wednesday, May 15.
NASA6 of 10
This composite image of a galaxy released by NASA on May 16 illustrates how the intense gravity of a supermassive black hole can be tapped to generate immense power. The image contains X-ray data from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory (blue), optical light obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope (gold) and radio waves from the NSF's Very Large Array (pink).
Cmdr_Hadfield/Twitter7 of 10
Astronaut Chris Hadfield tweeted this photo of the Mongolian highlands that he took while aboard the International Space Station on May 15. He wrote, "Today's photo is from the Mongolian highlands. Surreal to see a frozen lake surrounded by sand dunes. pic.twitter.com/InfNHUMc5p"
earthXplorer/Twitter8 of 10
JD Andrews tweeted this photo of sunset in Roswell, N.M., on May 15. He wrote, "The sunsets in #roswell aren't too bad. What do you think? #NewMexicoTrue http://instagram.com/p/ZW6w0zM0Tp/"
AP Photo/A.M. Ahad9 of 10A Bangladeshi volunteer walks along the Bay of Bengal coast to evacuate people from Chittagong, Bangladesh, Thursday, May 16. Cyclone Mahasen struck the southern coast of Bangladesh on Thursday, lashing remote fishing villages with heavy rain and fierce winds that flattened mud and straw huts and forced the evacuation of more than 1 million people.
NASA10 of 10Next: Today's 10 Must-See Photos: 5-15-2013
Expedition 35 Flight Engineer Chris Cassidy, who currently is living and working aboard the International Space Station, is seen in the Quest Airlock prior to a spacewalk, in this photo released by NASA on May 16.