Twitter/Interior1 of 15The U.S. Department of Interior tweeted this photo on May 3, writing, "One of the most stunning photos of #OldFaithful @YellowstoneNPS we have ever seen. RT if you agree! pic.twitter.com/REW1K9FuFB"
NASA / Michael Studinger2 of 15
This April 29 NASA image of the day shows Greenland's Saunders Island and Wolstenholme Fjord with Kap Atholl in the background and was taken during an Operation IceBridge survey flight in April 2013. Sea ice coverage in the fjord ranges from thicker, white ice seen in the background to thinner grease ice and open ocean water in the foreground.
Czech photographer David Jobak captured a series of incredible close-up images of a bugs, including this shot of jumping spider.
See the rest of Jobak's photos here.
NASA/Goddard/SDO4 of 15A coronal mass ejection (CME) erupted from just around the edge of the sun on May 1, 2013, in a gigantic rolling wave. CMEs can shoot over one billion tons of particles into space at over one million mph.
AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill5 of 15Fire department personnel drive along Pacific Coast Highway near Point Mugu as a thick layer of smoke sits overhead during a wildfire that burned several thousand acres, Thursday, May 2, in Ventura County, Calif.
AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty6 of 15The sun's rays strike the rocky coast of Acadia National Park, Maine, Thursday, May 2. A federal budget-related delay has pushed back the opening of many of the park's seasonal facilities until May 17. Acadia saw a 5 percent funding cut of it's roughly $7.8 million budget on March 1. The cut represented the National Park Service's share of federal sequestration.
Cmdr_Hadfield/Twitter7 of 15Astronaut Chris Hadfield tweeted this photo of the Galapagos Islands from the International Space Station on April 29. He wrote, "Tonight's Finale: The Galapagos - just far enough apart to give Darwin something to think about. pic.twitter.com/VkkDnNz66N"
NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSI8 of 15The spinning vortex of Saturn's north polar storm resembles a giant red rose in this false-color image from NASA's Cassini spacecraft. The eye is a staggering 1,250 miles across and wind speeds reach 330 mph. The image was taken with the Cassini spacecraft narrow-angle camera on Nov. 27, 2012, and released on April 29, 2013.
AP Photo/dpa, Tobias Hase9 of 15A mountaineer stands next to the summit cross on Zugspitze mountain near Garmisch-Partenkirchen, southern Germany, Sunday, April 28. Zugspitze is the highest mountain in Germany at 2,962 meters above sea level.
Cmdr_Hadfield/Twitter10 of 15Astronaut Chris Hadfield tweeted this photo of clouds over the Pacific Ocean from the International Space Station on May 2. He wrote, "While the Newfoundland ice formed a heraldic dragon, these Pacific clouds look more like Woodstock, of Peanuts fame. pic.twitter.com/J2AgHgnqVC"
European Space Agency/NASA Hubble11 of 15The red wisps of gas in this image, released by NASA on May 3, 2013, make up an object known as SNR 0519. They are remnants from when an unstable white dwarf star exploded violently as a supernova around 600 years ago.
AP Photo/J Pat Carter12 of 15Artist Princess Tarinan von Anhalt's creative process involves hurling paint into a Learjet engine and splattering the colors onto a canvas to create the abstract designs for which she has become known. On Tuesday, April 29, she demonstrated her process as part of an event to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Learjet at the West Palm Beach, Fla., airport tarmac.
Cmdr_Hadfield/Twitter13 of 15Astronaut Chris Hadfield tweeted this photo of the moon over the southeastern U.S. from the International Space Station on May 1. He wrote, "Tonight's Finale: The Moon ushering in the dawn over the Southeastern United States. pic.twitter.com/i3ETfHP79m"
AP Photo/Charlie Riedel14 of 15Horses are washed after their morning workouts at Churchill Downs Wednesday, May 1, in Louisville, Ky.
Cmdr_Hadfield/Twitter15 of 15Next: Mind-Blowing New Photos from SpaceAstronaut Chris Hadfield tweeted this photo of Dubai from the International Space Station on April 30. He wrote, "Tonight's Finale: Dubai, the Palm Island like a trilobite in the night. pic.twitter.com/RxBHEnSzst"