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Clik here to view.AP Photo/M. Scott Moon1 of 10The aurora borealis, or northern lights, fill the sky early Sunday, March 17, above the Holy Assumption of the Virgin Mary Russian Orthodox church in Kenai, Alaska.
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Clik here to view.NASA2 of 10For reasons unknown, star V838 Mon's outer surface (pictured here in this March 18 NASA image of the day) suddenly greatly expanded in January 2002, making it the brightest star in the entire Milky Way Galaxy. Then, just as suddenly, it faded. A stellar flash like this had never been seen before.
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Clik here to view.NASA Earth Observatory3 of 10Belgrade, the capital city of the Republic of Serbia, is located at the confluence of the Danube and Sava Rivers. This photograph, taken from the International Space Station on March 5 and released by NASA Earth Observatory on March 18, shows the difference in urban patterns between the older and newer parts of the city. The core of old Belgrade is located along the right banks of both the Danube and the Sava Rivers (image center). To the west across the Sava, New Belgrade was constructed following World War II.
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Clik here to view.AstroMarshburn/Twitter4 of 10This photo of Cuba's southern coastline was tweeted from the International Space Station by astronaut Thomas H. Marshburn on March 18. He wrote, "We always look forward to Cuba's striking southern coastline and archipelago pic.twitter.com/NkIsYPu2Us"
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Clik here to view.AstroMarshburn/Twitter5 of 10This photo of the capital of Botswana was tweeted by astronaut Thomas H. Marshburn from the International Space Station on March 18. He wrote, "Gabarone City, capital of Botswana, and one of the world's fastest growing! pic.twitter.com/MxI0X6Ao1e"
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Clik here to view.AP Photo/The Ledger Independent, Terry Prather6 of 10Snow falls early Sunday, March 17, as an Amish family travels to church services near Maysville, Ky.
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Clik here to view.AstroMarshburn/Twitter7 of 10This photo of Korinthos, Greece, was tweeted by Thomas H. Marshburn from the International Space Station on March 17. He wrote, "Awakened this morning to find Korinthos, Greece in view" pic.twitter.com/dqyNNeowru"
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Clik here to view.Chris Cook8 of 10In this NASA astronomy photo of the day for March 18, Comet PANSTARRS is viewed from a hilltop last week on First Encounter Beach in Massachusetts. As the comet fades, careful observers -- even with unaided eyes -- should still be able to find it on the western horizon just after sunset.
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Clik here to view.Cmdr_Hadfield/Twitter9 of 10This photo of Dublin, Ireland, was tweeted by astronaut Chris Hadfield from the International Space Station in honor of St. Patrick's Day on March 17. He wrote, "St. Patrick's Day Finale: Dublin, with her port standing out clearly to photographers in Earth orbit. pic.twitter.com/U5m9FyMAbo"
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Clik here to view.AP Photo/Dmitry Lovetsky10 of 10Next: Today's 10 Must-See Photos: 3-16-2013Pope Francis speaks to the crowd in St. Peter's Square from the window of his residence before the Angelus prayer at the Vatican on March 17.