AP Photo/Steven Senne1 of 10
Ocean waves crash over a seawall and into houses along the coast in Scituate, Mass., Thursday, March 7, 2013. A winter storm brought strong winds to coastal areas in the state.
NASA images, animation by Robert Simmon, using data (c)2010 EUMETSAT2 of 10
This NASA Earth Observatory photo of the day for March 7, shows examples of three types of storms. Thunderstorms are the smallest, tropical cyclones are significantly larger, and extra-tropical cyclones are the largest.
Cmdr_Hadfield/Twitter3 of 10
This image of the Earth's horizon was tweeted by astronaut Chris Hadfield from the International Space Station on March 6. He wrote "Tonight's Finale: Scandinavia on the horizon, far to the north of the Space Station's orbit. pic.twitter.com/jBnjNqYEoV"
Cmdr_Hadfield/Twitter4 of 10
This photo of a crater was tweeted by Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield from the International Space Station on March 7. He wrote, "Tswaing Meteorite Crater, just north of Pretoria, South Africa. I once gave a lecture standing on its salty floor. pic.twitter.com/u9QYix1OqQ"
Win McNamee/Getty Images5 of 10
A llama seeks shelter next to an abandoned school bus at Cox Farms on March 6 in Centreville, Va.
NOAA-NASA6 of 10
This NASA image of the day for March 7 is taken from NOAA's GOES-13 satellite on March 6, 2013, and shows a winter storm hitting the U.S. mid-Atlantic region.
Cmdr_Hadfield/Twitter7 of 10
This photo of Myrtle Beach was tweeted by Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield from the International Space Station on March 7. He wrote, "Myrtle Beach, South Carolina - one of the legendary name resort destinations in the US. Looks inviting! pic.twitter.com/DAzECzEosn"
AP Photo/Eric Gay8 of 10
Members of the San Antonio Living History Association fire muskets as they take part in a pre-dawn memorial ceremony to remember the 1836 Battle of the Alamo and those who fell on both sides, Wednesday, March 6, 2013, in San Antonio.
Cmdr_Hadfield/Twitter9 of 10
This photo of Bornholm Island in Denmark was tweeted by astronaut Chris Hadfield from the International Space Station on March 6. He wrote, "Bornholm island, Denmark, a rocky rectangle in the Baltic Sea. pic.twitter.com/JZ6d2JsKtz"
Cmdr_Hadfield/Twitter10 of 10Next: Today's 10 Must-See Photos: 3-6-2013
This image of Chicago was tweeted by astronaut Chris Hadfield from the International Space Station on March 7. He wrote "Chicago on a clear winter's day, ice on the shore, busy O'Hare airport visible from orbit. pic.twitter.com/wICzMP7kKA"